Brazil (1985)
It's only a state of mind.
poster Brazil
IMDb waardering:

Land:Engeland, 132 minuten

Gesproken Taal:Engels

Genre(s):Drama, Science-Fiction, Thriller

Regisseur(s):Terry Gilliam

Video codec:Unknown

Nummer: 195

A bureaucrat in a dystopic society becomes an enemy of the state as he pursues the woman of his dreams.


photo Jonathan Pryce
Jonathan Pryce Sam Lowry
photo Robert De Niro
Robert De Niro Harry Tuttle
photo Katherine Helmond
Katherine Helmond Mrs. Ida Lowry
photo Ian Holm
Ian Holm Mr. Kurtzmann
photo Bob Hoskins
Bob Hoskins Spoor

Drager: Mediabestand,

Opbergplaats: O:\B\Brazil (1985)\Brazil (1985).avi

Uitgeleend: Nee

Beeldverhouding: Unknown