Automata (2014)
Your time is coming to an end. Ours is now beginning.
poster Automata
IMDb waardering:

Altern. titel:Autómata (originele titel)

Land:Spanje, 109 minuten

Gesproken Taal:Engels

Genre(s):Aktie, Drama, Science-Fiction, Thriller

Regisseur(s):Gabe Ibáñez

Video codec:Unknown

Nummer: 88

Human race is at edge of the end. Robot race is at edge of the beginning.


photo Antonio Banderas
Antonio Banderas Jacq Vaucan
photo Dylan McDermott
Dylan McDermott Sean Wallace
photo Melanie Griffith
Melanie Griffith Duprè
photo Birgitte Hjort Sørensen
Birgitte Hjort Sørensen Rachel Vaucan
photo Robert Forster
Robert Forster Robert Bold

Drager: Mediabestand,

Opbergplaats: O:\A\Autómata (2014)\Autómata (2014).mp4

Uitgeleend: Nee

Beeldverhouding: Unknown